My Other Blogs

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

21 - 25/32

Well.  MUCH later today - here they are.  🙂  I like most of these with the pointer finger being my least favorite.  Maybe if the pattern was larger it would be cool.  I was SO HOPING that my new image plates would arrive today, but that did not happen.  🙁  But, maybe tomorrow!  🙂  I kind of janked these up today while working and doing stuff at home so I will have to take them off tomorrow.  It would be so awesome if my new toy was here for me to play with just in time for me to do my nails again!  Anyway, I'm so exhausted.  Calling it a night, you guys.  ❤

16 - 20/32

Thought I'd speed things up a little and do more patterns at once.  I'm REALLY digging the colors here.  Probably too boring and un-colorful for most, but this is what I like.  I'm gonna have to buy another bottle of that gray - I love it THAT MUCH.  😃  Anyway, I think my favorite pattern here is the stained glass looking one on my ring finger.  Next favs are the pointer finger and thumb.  Seems like I like the bolder patterns rather than the fine ones.  This is my left hand so it's messier.  And I have a terrible time stamping my own left thumb.  No matter what I always miss part of it.  😐  I guess I'm gonna have to get Shaun to do that one for me.  😂

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Getting close to half-way!  😁  My "basket nails" didn't last very long.  I liked the pink, but the rest was just "meh."  And then I chipped one while cleaning today so why not move on?  Anyway, I have these two greens that I'm not fond of all alone, but I like them together.  This is just some line and dot pattern.  I like it; I can totally see me using it again.  Reminds me of stairs.  🙂


I did these last night in a moment of awake-ness.  Me and Shadow slept off and on all day.  This pattern reminded me of a basket so I went with neutral-kinda colors.  I had a tan-ish color... maybe I should have used that instead to make it look like a real basket.  To hell with that.  I had a new pink I wanted to use.  🙂

Man, I have another stamping plate coming sometime this week (hopefully).  I'm SO excited, but I haven't even finished using the patterns from this one.  Not to mention the little small plates I have with images.  😳  I'd better get on it!  😁

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Oh how I wish the photo did these justice. They are wayyy too shiny / sparkly to photograph properly. I do not have those kinds of photography skills. 😂 I 💜💜💜 how the glitter just peaks through the pattern. I bet they will look AWESOME in the sunlight. I'm gonna have a lot of fun looking at these. 😃 I have never been a big fan of silver polish, but the last few times I've used it I've really loved how it turned out. Guess I'm changing my mind on that one!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


I like this pattern.  It's not one of my favorites, but I do like it and will totally wear it again.  I also like the color I stamped with.  It's a purple that looks gold in the light.  You can kind of see the change on my pinkie.  I really like the base color, also, but it was a BITCH to apply.  It wouldn't go on evenly or smoothly so I had to do 3 coats and by the time I go over the same nail that many times it's just a mess no matter what I do.  I just did these yesterday, but I already feel like taking them off and moving on.  😐

Friday, January 20, 2012


I must have a thing for green and black lately.  Got this green courtesy of Janet - are you sure you don't want him back?  He's preeety!  🙂  I actually really like these much to my own surprise.  This flavor of green isn't the usual for me, but I wanted to wear him since I have him.  I guess I'm expanding my horizons!


Messy, messy, messy.  I actually think these looked better before clean-up; I either used too much acetone or my polish was really runny.  The pattern is the ball lines... I felt like they needed a point of origin so I taped off the side and painted it black.  Might try that again with different polish one day.  I think it's an interesting look.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Teensy hound's-tooth.  The other one (I didn't even realize that I had two) is a bit larger.  This one probably shows up better because of the contrasting colors I used.  I've been dying to try a half-moon mani, but I told myself I was going to use all of my patterns first.  Then I decided I could have the best of both worlds and I really like how it turned out.  Might look better if the base polish wasn't so nude - I guess from afar it just looks like I missed that spot on all of my nails.  I'm not very into French tips, though (I think they are nice, but everyone has done them TO DEATH), so I wanted something different, of course.  I kind of think they are quite sexy.  😃

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Dots and squares.  I like this pattern pretty well and the colors.  I only wish that I wasn't already wearing it out - my tips have worn almost completely off.  🙁  Anyway, the beautiful dark blue polish is one of my newbies from Friday.  Only $2!  And it stamped over the light blue without a problem so that's double awesome.  😃  Woohoo!

Alright, a few of my friends have bought stamping kits now and I'm ready to see what they're coming up with!  Post me some photos!  Nancy, Deanna and Brittni - don't hold back!  ❤

Friday, January 13, 2012


HOLY SHIT. I am ashamed to admit how much money I've spent on nail polish today. To most people it's probably nothing, but that is not my usual. HOWEVER, Sally's is clearancing an ass-ton of pretty polish, so what is a girl to do? And they weren't all for me so I feel a little better about that. 😀 Oh Janet - send me your mailing address, homie! I can't wait for you to have these! 💜💜💜

Thursday, January 12, 2012


SO not one of my favorites. I'm not a very flowery girl to begin with (which is why I wanted the image plate I got - most of the Konad's have a lot of floral designs, but this one has a variety of patterns). Then I thought I should use yellow because flowers are sometimes yellow. But I'm not a big fan of yellow, either. So THEN I put brown over it because I like brown and I had to stamp them all because otherwise it was just too much yellow. I think they turned out pretty cute for what they are, but again - just not my thing. Anyone like this pattern? Maybe I can use it on you one day. I can't imagine that I'll use it on myself again. 🙁

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Neat-looking pattern, I think. It reminds me A WHOLE LOT of something familiar that I cannot put my finger on. 😐 I like that the colors are subtle and looking straight on you can't really see it well. But then at an angle, BOOSH! In yo' face! LOL I'm trying to decide if I have to take it off tonight - I'm really too tired to deal with it, but it's already wearing off the tips and chipping a little. I guess the question is:  How much is that gonna bother me? I guess I'll find out in a bit!

Monday, January 9, 2012


Did these last night with Mary Beth and Nancy. Just some cheapy mushroom color from Wal-Mart with my new SUPER-FLY flaky polish on top. I didn't want to stamp my whole nail with the pattern I was supposed to use because it would cover up my pretty flakies too much so I taped it off and did a section. I like it when my nails don't match totally so I thought this was pretty cool. 🙂

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Houndstooth! If I was into sports I would have painted all but the accent nail crimson and done the pattern on that one in black and white. Any Bama fans need their nails painted? 😛

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Last one for the night. I've never met a white polish that I like, and the one I own is no exception. Blegh. It was SO goopy, and took forever to dry. Anyway, Shadow picked these colors. I think the design reminded him of ninja stars or something. LOL I didn't even want to post these because of the sloppy paint job and the black smudges, but I am just not up for doing it over. When you stamp, you get the extra polish from the image everywhere, and the black didn't clean up without a fight. Oh well.

2 / 32

I thought this pattern looked kind of lacy, so I went with a nude-ish base. Made me think of lingerie. LOL

I did a bunch of nails this past weekend.

These are Janet's - hands down - my favorite of all. 😁 I love skittles (different colored nails), but I am not so great at picking color combos. Thankfully, Janet had that part under control. I think these turned out absolutely adorable!