My Other Blogs

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Not the best photo and also not the most impressive nails.

Not the best photo and also not the most impressive nails.  Honestly, though, just having them done makes me feel happy.  🙂

I didn't really talk about this much when talking about my psoriasis / arthritis, but I very nearly lost my thumbnail (psoriasis will jack you ALL up).  🙁  That is why it's shaped kind of weird (it's almost grown back to normal - yay!), and also one major reason I stopped painting for a while.  I'm not usually easily embarrassed, but that one got me for some reason.  I am not super sure why.

I also noticed that when I tried to do my "look at all my nails" claw my hands don't want to do that anymore.  Most particularly my thumb.  I hate to admit that I hurt it trying to get it to do that... so maybe I'll be doing photos with bottles now.  Or gerbils.  Or lizards.  Hell, I don't know.  What I do know is that despite my arthritis pills my hands have been really sore and I should probably make time in my schedule (somehow!) to get back to the doctor.

Anyway.  I'm going to try to do my nails at least once a week.  It makes me happy and I should take some time out for just me.  You know - to keep sane while I'm doing all of this other stuff.  ❤