My Other Blogs

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ok, so I am not usually one to just knock off someone else's manicure, but when I saw this I knew I had to do it.  I already had the image plate so I was going to use the trees eventually, but when I saw the way she used it I just had to have the same on my nails - at least once.  I LOVE THIS!  So the idea credit goes to Chit Chat Nails.  😃  And I can't think of a more appropriate time to wear it!

I'm also not usually a huge fan of glitter polish.  I don't know why - it's just never been my thing.  BUT, Loaded Lacquer has some crazy neat glitters so when I found out that their polish, 40 Below, was the base for this mani I had to get it.  I've been holding on to this for a couple of months now waiting for the time to be right for me to use it.  And that time has come!

So this was pretty easy.  It took about 3 coats of the base to get the it as blue as I wanted.  Then I stamped on the trees and then dotted "There's Snow One Like You" by China Glaze at the bottom of the trees.  Topcoat dried it and made it all shiny as shown in the left photo.  Matte topcoat softened and matted it as shown in the right photo.  As always I can't decide how I like it best so one hand is shiny and the other is matte.  😂

I think it's really pretty and I hope I get a couple of days of wear out of it.  Sometimes too many coats will make it peel up, but maybe I'll get lucky.  🙂

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