My Other Blogs

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Two questions:

Two questions:

1)  Does anyone think these rings are pretty neat, or not really?  Like, would anyone wear them?

2)  They have topcoat on them, but I'd like to spray them with something more permanent.  Recommendations?

Sunday, April 27, 2014

OPI Black Spotted.

OPI Black Spotted.

If those words caught your eye then read on.

I spent more money than I am going to admit here in public having that thing mailed to me from France since it wasn't available in the U.S. when it came out.

Shaun found a $2 polish in Wal-Mart the other day that has the same effect.  It's by Fing'rs.  It is called "See Spot Run." It's only available in black right now, but maybe they'll make more colors.  A girl can hope.

So... yeah.  Patience might have saved me some money, but who needs money when you can have nail polish instead?  (I'm just kidding, of course.  I need money.)

Friday, April 25, 2014

I got a SHITLOAD of nail polish today.

I got a SHITLOAD of nail polish today.  Not only did my Nail Mail from Ashton arrive, but Sally's was having a half off of their clearance prices sale, PLUS, I had a $5 off and 15% off coupon, so yeah.

Ashton sent me a pack of polish that I asked her to grab for me, but then she included a bunch of surprise polish - all of which are Juleps (they don't sell them anywhere I go!), so of course I didn't already have them.  Yay for that!  SUPER THANK YOU.  You totally made my day!  😃

Then at Sally's like I said - sale and coupons.  Good combo.  😃  I spent $26 and I got 20 polishes (including the whole FingerPaints Kaleidoscope Collection), plus a cuticle oil that smelled nice and two pairs of tweezers.

So... before you all start thinking that I'm INSANE for buying that much nail polish I will go ahead and confess something:

I am using it.  Besides for just painting my own nails.  😃

I am pretty shy about saying this kind of stuff, but I have a Polish ALL The Things! booth at the Fair on the Square in Jacksonville tomorrow.  I am going to be doing simple stamping nail art for $10 (kind of like face painting, but it'll last longer), and handing out business cards so maybe that will get me some business doing kid parties.  For real, screw salons - kid parties sound like so much fun to me.  😃

NOT ONLY THAT, but I have printed some nail tattoos that I will sell.  I can do custom nail tattoos and decals easy enough.  AND, this is the crazy part... I am making nail art jewelry.  😳  Most of my supplies didn't come in until today (super suck!), but that just means I have to get off the Internet and get started.  I have some stones painted already, but they are so large I have nothing to set them in.  They are a great size for necklaces, though.  If things go over well tomorrow I will buy more parts and do necklaces and maybe REALLY make some stuff and try to do OxfordFest.  I don't know.  I don't want to get ahead of myself.  But my plan for tonight is to do earrings and rings.

I wasn't going to post photos of my large "practice stones" but here they are as I imagine that most people won't have a clue what I meant when I said "nail art jewelry."  I have a few with stamping that I haven't photographed yet.  And some holographic stones.  Those will be beautiful in the sunlight tomorrow.  🙂

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I should have done Earth Day nails...

I should have done Earth Day nails, but I totally forgot it was happening.  🙁  Oh well.  At least there is a flower.  I don't usually wear flowers.

Monday, April 21, 2014

I used tape and a sponge.

These are nails I did the other day.  I used tape and a sponge.  I think they look neat.  They turned out much brighter than I anticipated, but that's ok.  They are definitely springy!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

This is the neutral color...

This is the neutral color I was complimented on so long ago.  It was really hard to find something that worked with my skin tone and I actually think that Shauna gave me this.  I don't think I even picked it out.  😂  So she did a great job!

I've wanted to do the glitter gradient tips for SO long.  Finally, here they are.  And a little heart because I don't know when to stop.  😂

This is the neutral color...

This is the neutral color I was complimented on so long ago.  It was really hard to find something that worked with my skin tone and I actually think that Shauna gave me this.  I don't think I even picked it out.  😂  So she did a great job!

I've wanted to do the glitter gradient tips for SO long.  Finally, here they are.  And a little heart because I don't know when to stop.  😂

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tape / gradient mani.

Tape / gradient mani.  I love the way the pink and green blend.  Thank you Emily for the green.  😃

Monday, April 14, 2014



I had no idea until it just showed up in the mail. 😳

I am so very happy right now. 😃

Friday, April 11, 2014

Two for one!

7:50 am:  Lazy nails.  Holo glitter gradient and a butterfly for good measure.  Woo.

4:25 pm:  I don't really know what to say about these except that I wanted to practice gradients again - and other than that I had no actual plan at all.  😂  Despite that I think they turned out really neat.  I used three colors for the gradient and then stamped the weird rainbow-y pattern over it.  They are really happy colors and I enjoy looking at them so hopefully I'll be able to keep them on for a few days.  🙂

Monday, April 7, 2014

Simple tape mani.

Simple tape mani. I painted down the funky black glitter, then taped off what I wanted to show, painted black over it, then pulled the tape up. EASY! Everyone should try it. 🙂

Friday, April 4, 2014

Nails from last night.

Nails from last night.  Nails I FINALLY put effort into.  Yay!

The middle stripe is an orange to red gradient and the sides are just a fine pattern I found and stamped to fill the space.  Not really hard.  But you know - there was some effort involved.  🙂