My Other Blogs

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

I know nobody asked, but...

I know nobody asked, but I have seen a lot of my friends who wear gels / acrylics post about being unhappy with their nails since salons are closed.  I have tips (the advice kind), if anyone is interested in growing out / taking care of their natural nails.

1)  Take prenatal vitamins for growth.  I don't care that I haven't been pregnant in 20 years, I've been taking prenatals for as long as I can remember.  I have tried biotin / hair & nail / whatever supplements and vitamins over the years, and none of them give me the growth I get with prenatals, so that is what I take.

2)  If you have brittle / peeling nails, then there are two ways to attack that:  From the inside and from the outside.

2a)  From the inside:  Take coconut oil pills.  I don't know the science behind it, I just know that I have A LOT LESS peeling when I take it.

2b)  From the outside:  Cuticle oil / balm.  Any kind is better than nothing, but the best I've ever used has been from Bliss Kiss.  I can have a peeling nail and put that oil on, and it's almost like it seals it back together.  Just get in the habit of moisturizing your nails / cuticles a few times a day and that will help a lot.

2c)  If you file your nails, it's ok to take off length with a coarse file, but use something far less course afterwards for finishing to help prevent peeling.
Obviously, since I am not a doctor you should do your own research regarding what vitamins / supplements are ok for you to take, but this is what has worked for me.  I go through periods of being really on top of my nail care, and then times where I don't bother.  I can tell a huge difference when I'm doing all of the things I've listed above.

If anyone has anything to add or ask I'm up for chatting!  Be well, friends!  ❤

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