My Other Blogs

Monday, January 28, 2013

Nails I did last night.

Nails I did last night.  I used a polish that Robin loaned me called Midnight Magic.  It doesn't show in the photo, (of course) but it has kind of a goldy - yellow shimmer in it.  It's really pretty.  It made me think of outer space so I put little planets and stars and whatever on it.  Since stamping is pretty easy this was a lazy manicure.  I've been lazy lately.  😝

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The lovely Robin...

The lovely Robin gave me this polish the other night.  It's a weird-shaped Orly, which excites me.  I like the weird ones.  😂  The color is called Brilliant Sky, but it reminded me more of underwater so that's the reason for the sea creatures.

Every time I've looked at them today The Little Mermaid song "Under the Sea" has run through my head.  😛

Thursday, January 17, 2013


I REALLY, REALLY didn't want to take my purple nails off last night, but I had a couple starting to peel and that's always terrible news for me. 🙁 If I don't fix that as soon as it starts I'll pick and pull at my polish until my nails are sad and damaged. 🙁 It just never ends well.

So this is what I did. I like it well enough, but they aren't stunning. There was something about that purple I used last time that was so bright and vibrant. It just made me happy to look at it - even with all this cold and rain. These are more muted, which I do like, too. I guess they are more season-appropriate - not that I ever think about that, though. 😂

I did get some gradient practice in, which is good. I'm happy with how my fade turned out this time. It's much easier to pull off with glitter than regular polish, but it's a neat look and I would like to get better at doing it. Anybody up for being practiced on? 🙂

Monday, January 14, 2013

These nails have been the most fabulous thing about me all day.

These nails have been the most fabulous thing about me all day.  I dropped Maya off at the spay / neuter transport this morning so I've smelled like dog all day.  More than usual, I mean.  😛  Not to mention that I went to work looking and feeling like a drowned rat.  Mom was driving me around this morning since my tires are bald and scary and that was awesome and sweet of her.  But when she pulled into my driveway she got stuck.  We probably spent a good hour out in the mud, standing water (yay for low yards!), and rain trying UNSUCCESSFULLY to get un-stuck.  Finally one of the many trucks driving by decided to stop and pull us out.  Yay for the kindness of strangers.  🙂

Anyway, yeah.  I didn't have time to shower or change - I just needed to get to work.  I have felt icky and cold and gross all day.  I am going to take a nice, hot shower shortly.  That's gonna be awesome.  🙂

Saturday, January 12, 2013

I had to photograph these before I jacked them up.

I had to photograph these before I jacked them up. I'm surprised they survived my morning.

The green is mine, but the other two are colors that Keri loaned me. I tried to make it not so, but these remind me of Easter eggs anyway. LOL

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Got started on my nails...

Got started on my nails and hated how it was turning out so scrapped it and started over. Now I'm just wearing nail polish. PLAIN nail polish. 😳 I had no plan and was too tired to be inspired so I guess I'll just figure it out tomorrow. And on that note I'm taking my tired self to bed. 🙂

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I bought this pretty pale blue at Wal-Mart...

I bought this pretty pale blue at Wal-Mart after seeing it swatched on a blog. I had no idea that it was so shimmery! I don't think the shimmer really shows up in the photo, but it's there. Then I stamped it with this cool color-flipping polish that Keri loaned me. I love how it goes from purple to green to gold. I really like this swirly pattern, too, but it wasn't big enough for my thumb so I had to stamp it twice and then go in with a tiny brush to connect it. I think it looks messy, but I'm not too disappointed considering that I never freehand anything. LOL It'll do. 😃

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I decided...

to go for this metallic silver with my green. Of all the grays, silvers, and golds I have this was the best one (I swatched on paper to be sure). I did this look with tape - super easy. Threw the stones on there for good measure. 😂 Had to make sure it was decorated enough. LOL