My Other Blogs

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Finally uploading my nail pic from last week. 🙂

Finally uploading my nail pic from last week. 🙂

My accent nail was not so easy. Using a stamper I created a decal by painting on the back of the stamped image while it was still on the stamper. They are SUPPOSED to transfer pretty easily to the nail, but my nails are very curved so you can see the distortion near the top at my cuticle. I think I need more practice with this technique! I liked the way it looked so I'll definitely be trying it again. When I can find the time, that is. 😕

P. S. I see that I have an ass-ton of notifications, but I can't jump into that right now. I have SO MUCH HOMEWORK. I'll try to make time later this evening. Thank you to everyone who has written me! ❤

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Painted my nails earlier this week.

Painted my nails earlier this week.  It's been MONTHS since I've taken care of them at all so of course they are nubs.  But that's ok!

This paint job was to celebrate spring.  Bugs and flowers and all that.  🙂

I haven't posted anything on my Happy Nails page in ages, but when I went to upload this photo I found that I have over 2000 followers there now.  😳  I am not sure how that happened, but it's SUPER COOL.  Here's hoping I'll have more time now that my schedule has changed to keep up with all this stuff.  🙂

Sunday, May 17, 2015

I literally haven't painted anything...

For the first time in what feels like ages - I relaxed.  I didn't do ANY WORK yesterday whatsoever.  Didn't clean the house, mow the lawn, do schoolwork or study; worked no craft shows or festivals...  It was SO NICE and I NEEDED it.

My skin is far from beautiful, but man, it looks and feels a LOT better.  I am so thankful for that.
So what DID I do this weekend?  Friday I played Rock Band because I have missed drumming so bad.  I also danced like a fool because I had the house to myself and I just needed to.  I don't get much in the way of exercise anymore and that is what I used to do for entertainment back before I had the Internet.  I have always felt so much better after dancing myself to exhaustion.  I'm sure a good workout would make me feel the same, but where's the fun in that?  😂

Saturday I sat down and painted some stones.  I think they are mostly pretty - I used these really amazing flakie polishes that I bought myself (on sale!) for making all A's, but there are a few stones I'm not too keen on.  I don't like the bottom 2 pink ones so I may remove the paint - I am not sure yet.  Opinions welcome, but go easy on me. I literally haven't painted anything (not even a fingernail) in months.  🙁

Saturday, May 2, 2015

At the Anniston Downtown Market...

At the Anniston Downtown Market with Polish All the Things. All by myself.

Stupid phone won't let me tag my page.

In case you didn't know.

Friday, March 27, 2015

This is where I'll be ALL WEEKEND.

This is where I'll be ALL WEEKEND.  If you come to see me and I'm not visible - check under the table.  I might be under there napping.  😂 ... but seriously.  I've not been able to get through a day without napping on the weekends since I've started my new medicine.  I'll be with my mom, brother, and probably Shaun, so at least I won't be alone.  🙂

Janney Furnace; Civil War and Native American Museum

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I haven't really had time to make stuff lately...

I haven't really had time to make stuff lately, but these are two custom necklaces I made fairly recently.  One is from Dr. Who and one is from the Legend of Zelda.  Shadow chose an image off of the internet to use on the Zelda one as a gift for a friend.  The Dr. Who was a collaborative group effort and I promised the owner of this one that it would be One of a Kind.

If you have photos or graphics that you would want to wear in a necklace, ring, or keychain I am up for doing that.  I can't really sell this kind of stuff commercially on my Etsy since it's all copyrighted, but I'll do it for friends.  I usually sell necklaces for $20, keychains for $10, and with the rings it depends on the size and setting.

I am not necessarily over here trying to scrounge up business because with school and work I'm busy enough, but if you want something, I'm happy to make it as long as I can have a week or so to work on it.  You can ask Shaun - I'm a perfectionist so I will do the same thing over literally 20 times and pick the best one to sell you.  (I promise it's not a waste - as long as I don't set the stones I can acetone the images off and use the glass again.)

I just came across these and thought they looked nice so I wanted to share.  🙂

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

No more snow flakes on my nails.

No more snow flakes on my nails. I'm over it. 😂 Too bad the weather isn't on the same page as me!

Friday, February 13, 2015

I'm getting better at making time for nail painting!

I'm getting better at making time for nail painting!  🙂  These are chipping off now, but thankfully I got a nice photo before that started.

Check out all the colors in this one polish.  It's a new FingerPaints Nail Color.  They have them at Sally's right now.  I can look up the color if anyone is actually interested.  🙂

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Saturday, February 7, 2015

These are the nails I wore all week.

These are the nails I wore all week.  I really wanted something bright and perky.  😁

Pardon my dry skin.  This cold, dry air is killing me.  🙁

So sad that I've worn the some paint job for a week now.  I hope I get to paint them again this weekend because this is chipping all off and driving me nuts, but I have an Algebra test to study for so we'll see.  🙂

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Not the best photo and also not the most impressive nails.

Not the best photo and also not the most impressive nails.  Honestly, though, just having them done makes me feel happy.  🙂

I didn't really talk about this much when talking about my psoriasis / arthritis, but I very nearly lost my thumbnail (psoriasis will jack you ALL up).  🙁  That is why it's shaped kind of weird (it's almost grown back to normal - yay!), and also one major reason I stopped painting for a while.  I'm not usually easily embarrassed, but that one got me for some reason.  I am not super sure why.

I also noticed that when I tried to do my "look at all my nails" claw my hands don't want to do that anymore.  Most particularly my thumb.  I hate to admit that I hurt it trying to get it to do that... so maybe I'll be doing photos with bottles now.  Or gerbils.  Or lizards.  Hell, I don't know.  What I do know is that despite my arthritis pills my hands have been really sore and I should probably make time in my schedule (somehow!) to get back to the doctor.

Anyway.  I'm going to try to do my nails at least once a week.  It makes me happy and I should take some time out for just me.  You know - to keep sane while I'm doing all of this other stuff.  ❤