My Other Blogs

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Doing nails with my guy.

6:23 pm:  These nails are not mine.  In fact, I didn't even do them.  They belong to my Shaun-love and he did them himself with his own polish and stamping kit.  😃😃😃  Look people:  If I can find a man that loves me with all of my strangeness and even joins me in my not usually man-friendly hobbies then I know there is someone out there for everyone.  😉

Back to the nails - he only wears really dark colors - mostly black, and red or silver metallics.  He also likes a matte topcoat, but he didn't get to use it this time because I was bumming it, (as you'll see in my next photo).  On a more manly note he does clean his cuticles with his knife... where I just use polish remover and a pointy cotton swab.  😂

6:35 pm:  This is my trial experimenting with a matte topcoat.  Shaun uses one frequently, but I never have put one on more than just briefly.  The main reason for that was because the matte topcoat I had would leave little white goobies on top of your polish when it dried.  Which... as much work as I sometimes put into my nails you can forget me doing anything that might gank them up.

For anyone interested, the matte with the goobies is by Hard Candy at Wal-Mart.  We found a new one by NYC at Wal-Mart this past weekend which is what I'm wearing now.  No issues at all!  I put it on different kinds of polish to see how it would look.  On my thumb it's only on half of the nail.  It's also on my first and ring finger.  I left the middle and pinky shiny to show the difference.  I actually really like the look it gives so I'll definitely by trying it again the future.  😃

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Shaun and Shadow both seemed shocked...

Shaun and Shadow both seemed shocked that I didn't have a hand full of different patterns on today.  😂  But I'm done swatching my big plates so I'mma do what I want!  This image is from a smaller plate and it's the first time I've used it.  I think it looks really neat - like graffiti or something.  I knew there was no way that I could make them all look the same so I intentionally stamped in all different directions.  I like how it turned out - they are just a wee bit wild!  🙂

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

31 - 40/40

AS USUAL - I missed the tip of my left thumb.  I've only managed to not do that so far ONE TIME in all the time I've been stamping now.  Also I somehow managed to chip my pointer finger before I could photograph it.  So.  I guess these are a little janked up for your viewing pleasure.  😂  I like all of these patterns, but I stamped with a glitter polish (I just had to try it) on the pinky so it doesn't look like I'd hoped, but that's ok.  Note to self:  Don't do that again.  😛

Pinky is my least favorite here, too.  The polish didn't stamp too well and I also don't really care for that little shape.  It's like a spear or something.  Btw, the white I used under the color is AWESOME.  I can't remember the brand, but Walgreens and KMart carries it.  It's kind of got this shimmer to it and it goes on really nice.  White polishes are usually such a pain.  I'll go look in my box and see what it is if anyone is interested.  🙂

Sunday, February 19, 2012

21 - 30/40

I'm almost done "swatching" my new large image plate.  The nails I do tonight will be the last 10 - then I'm on to whatever!  😃  I'm really digging all of these - but my thumb is the least favorite.  The rest of these patterns I really like, though.  I'll be making use of them in the future, for sure!

I feel pretty ok about most of these, but my thumb (much to my own surprise!) is my favorite.  I really wasn't fond of the image on the plate, but once it's on I liked it!  I totally cut my nails down to little shorties after last week - I broke two off and I just didn't like the way it looked having them uneven.  I kind of actually really like them this length.  They are not in the way or anything!  😃

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

11 - 20/40

Sorry for the still un-wonderful photos.  These patterns are all ok with me.  I don't dislike or super-like any of them so I'm sure I'll wear most of these again.  The middle finger reminds me of ninja throwing stars - the kind that used to come with Shadow's action figures.  I find that funny.  😃

Pointer finger and ring finger are definitely my favorites.  I'm not really a dottie kind of girl so the pinky is "meh".  I like the thumb and the ring finger is interesting.  I can't decide what I think it's supposed to be.  A bow or ribbon or something?  Anyway, these might have too much going on, but I wanted some sparkle.  I'm really enjoying the long confetti glitter pieces in there.  🙂

Sunday, February 12, 2012

6 - 10/40

Sorry that these photos are crappy.  It's hard as hell to photograph a really shiny polish and still be able to see what you are looking at.  I can't remember where I got this green... either someone gave it to me or I bought it for cheap at K-Mart.  Either way - this is my first time wearing it and the color is a lot neater than I expected.  Very shimmery and kind of color-change-y depending on how you look at it.  Between the colors and the circles it kind of reminds me of peacock feathers.  My favs on this hand are the middle 3 with the thumb and pinky my least favorite.

1 - 5/40

These are images from my new large plate.  It has 42, but two are mirror images so I'm not going to bother posting them.  I'm just doing 4 sets of 10 so that way I can finish trying them all out and get down to doing things I really feel inspired to do.  🙂  It has a butt-ton of circle / swirly patterns so I thought I'd do those first.  Some of the patterns are really similar, but they are not the same.  On this hand my favorites are the 4 fingers and the thumb is my least favorite.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Nails with a Big Ruby tattoo.

Nails with a Big Ruby tattoo.  I've only used these twice - I really like both packs of tattoos I have, but every time I use them I do something completely stupid and get several more wet which makes them unusable.  So far I've wasted more than I've worn and it's all due to being doofy.  🙁

Anyway this was one of those instances where I had a new polish and wanted to use it, but didn't really know what would look nice so I just went for something that would stand out.  💥  I used a flaky polish over the color but under the tattoo and it's got more orange in it when the light hits it better, but I guess you can only see it a little.  I thought the orange and blue / green flakies would tie it all in.  I guess it does - when you can see them.  😛

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Man, I'm SO tired.

Man, I'm SO tired.  But I've been wearing the same nails for 5 days (I think that's a record since I started painting them!) and they are finally chipping off.  If I don't take them off tonight I'm gonna peel them tomorrow and really cause some damage.  I'm just gonna do a quickie job tonight - I think I'm gonna use some of my Big Ruby nail tattoos since I haven't posted any photos of those yet.  😃

Monday, February 6, 2012

This was my first foray into layering stamps. I like it!

These images were from two of my new smaller plates.  I wish I'd used a warmer pink and that my shimmer behind the swirls was showing up.  Maybe out in the sun it will.  I still think they are cute, though.  This was my first foray into layering stamps.  I like it!  😃

Thursday, February 2, 2012

China Glaze Magnetix

My China Glaze Magnetix.  😃😃😃  I LOVE how these turned out!  And it was pretty fun to do!  There are 6 in the collection.  These are 5 and the last one is a deep charcoal kind of color.  I ran out of fingers on this hand so I couldn't try them all.  I'm not too worried, though - I have a feeling that Shaun is going to take that one anyway.  😂  But he'll have to use it here or get his own magnet!  😁😝

It's kind of hard to tell in the photo, but the pointer finger has a starburst kind of pattern.  I think my flash caught it just the wrong way, but it's really there!

28 - 32/32

FINALLY I have tried all of the images on my large plate!  Now I get to start on my NEW large plate!  😁  Or I could take a break and do my small plates.  I have no idea what I'm going to do!  I really don't care for most of these images - ESPECIALLY not the one on my ring finger.  Holy cow - that one was a bitch to pick up and a bitch to put on.  That's too much polish!  Def. like my pointer finger and much to my own surprise my thumb.  🙂

I got this color at Big Lots - it's the brand Elf and it comes in a set with 2 other colors.  I'm not usually one for really bright colors, but this one I'm kind of partial to.  It's mostly orange, but it's got a hot pink flash that I really like.  It's more visible in the other photo, though.  Shaun made fun of it last night and called it Neon Salmon.  I couldn't really argue, though.  😃

26 - 27/32, + some

The thumb and pointer finger are two images from my large plate that I've been using.  The middle and ring finger are from a small plate I just got.  LOVE LOVE LOVE those two!  😃  And my pinkie is paw prints from another small plate I just got, as well.  Of course I had to use the paw prints!  AS USUAL - I didn't cover my whole left thumb.  I don't think I have ever done that one right, which is why I usually only photograph my right hand.  😂

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I was the Nail-Stamping Fairy today.

I was the Nail-Stamping Fairy today.  😃  We got our package!!!  Woohoo!  I stuck Janet's goodies in the mail and dropped off Nancy's new stamper.  Shaun is coming to get his image plate shortly and I have a dilemma!  Do my nails tonight... or do them tomorrow when my China Glaze Magnetix polishes come in?  😳  Decisions, decisions.